
SHERP on the filming of Southern Survival on Netflix.

Watch the new episode of Southern Survival. Outdoor Gear. Tested.

“This vehicle will get you out of mud, snow, floods, anything like that. Its the ultimate escape vehicle.”

“So, when you are in water, you deflate the pressure all the way, and it kinda flattens that tire out and creates a paddle effect or whatever. Yeah, it’s freakin’ awesome. Ingenious actually.”
“No matter how many times they tried to get is stuck, they couldn’t”

SHERP serves firefighters at Biebrza National Park in Poland

SHERP serves firefighters at Biebrza National Park in Poland

Fires at the wetlands of Biebrzanski Park Narodowy are extinguished. Thanks to all the fighters, who saved the ecosystem of Eastern Europe! And respect to a team of SHERP Central Europe for their contribution!

Video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb7cs_1Uzfo

SHERP replenishes the United Nations fleet

The new obstacle of coronavirus forced humanity to emphasize on help.
Help with grocery sets. Means of protection. Medical means.
We need them now. But some people need them every time.

The new SHERPs left for Africa, replenishing the United Nations park.
So new grocery sets to be delivered. New people will be cured. New human lives to be saved.

Video source: https://twitter.com/WFP/status/1115924450879451136?s=20